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I dont understand...

ryankemp   October 16th, 2012 11:47p.m.

I am using skritter on my iphone. I am trying to study from the Remembering the Kanji Volume 1, 2011 edition. I have my study setting set to "Add more words while you practice." My retention rate is set at 95%, Add frequency is set to normal.

I assumed this meant once I have practised enough to get my retention rate to 95% it will add a new word.

I have been studing for an hour now, and my retention rate is at 98.9%. Its says "word added" every few seconds however it never actually tests me on a new word. I just keep reviewing the same 50 odd kanji again and again... Am I doing something wrong? I want to keep adding new words and stop reviewing the old ones if I have already gotten them correct a whole bunch of times..

ryankemp   October 17th, 2012 3:07a.m.

Just to update, I have noticed that it is labeling words that I have already reviewed as "new writings" even though I have already seen it. I have deleted my list a few times to test it out. It adds new words fine up to a point (around 60 or so) and then it just stops adding new words. It is comes up with a message saying new word added, however it is not. It is just relabeling an old word as a new word again. Or so it seems anyhow. Help would be appreciated as this is pretty much useless to me in this current state.

scott   October 17th, 2012 6:24p.m.

I tested your account on the iOS app and I'm having trouble reproducing the issue. I went to the study screen and pressed the add button, and the items due number soon went up by two. I did this a couple times. What happens when you press the add button on the study screen, and nothing else? Does the reviews due number increase or stay the same?

Could you give an example of a word or character you saw once but it was shown as new? I can take a look at the server side of things and see if I can find anything.

ryankemp   October 17th, 2012 6:48p.m.

I discovered It was stuck at the word "mama" in lesson 6 and would not go past it.

However after I went in and opened up the list of words in lesson 6 (I could see green dots on the right hand side next to the word)and then went back to study mode it starting work correctly again.

I havent had any more problems as of yet, however it was definatly stuck in the middle of lesson 6 before I dove into the specifics of the list.

scott   October 18th, 2012 2:32p.m.

Hmm, not sure what was happening then. If you see it again, let us know!

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