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What the heck is the graph?

Bohan   September 9th, 2010 5:53a.m.

What is that graph next to the "Everything" button ?

jww1066   September 9th, 2010 7:04a.m.

It's the number of items due versus time. It shows how many items will be due tomorrow, the next day, etc.


skritterjohan   September 9th, 2010 8:27a.m.

One thing about the items due is that I guess it does not calculate items due today that you still have to study and may answer incorrectly and thus will become due tomorrow. For that reason I find it less than accurate. I guess I could study today until 0 items due and then go back to see how many items I'd have tomorrow.

Byzanti   September 9th, 2010 8:38a.m.

It is nonetheless absolutely thoroughly useful in gauging amount of work and the effect of studying/adding stuff...

A good fortune cookie.

west316   September 9th, 2010 9:45a.m.

It does a good job of giving you a general ballpark, but it isn't that accurate. The main impression I was given by it was when I changed my setting from a 92% retention to a 95%. The number of items in my queue quickly doubled. As a general measurement, it is very useful. Just don't nitpick it.

jww1066   September 9th, 2010 9:50a.m.

@skritterjohan Sure, it doesn't handle all the manifold possibilities involved in predicting the future. ;) It's a snapshot of what's due when right now.

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